Valerie Geller is president of the broadcast and podcast consulting firm Geller Media International. She trains and coaches podcast hosts and storytellers, helping each to maximize his or her performance to get, keep and grow audiences. An internationally acclaimed communications trainer and expert, she works with successful podcasts along with radio and television throughout the world. Geller is the author of several books about communicating more powerfully in the digital world, including She coaches podcasters and leads “Creating Powerful Podcasters” workshops and seminars around the world, to develop and grow audiences by training communicators to work more effectively.
If you would like to be a more Powerful Podcaster, you are in the right place. Geller Media International is the recognized expert when it comes to Creating Powerful Podcasts.
Valerie Geller, a much in demand conference and keynote speaker and seminar leader, is a globally recognized trainer and author of five books on communicating more powerfully, including “BEYOND POWERFUL RADIO: An Audio Communicator’s Guide to the Digital World” available from Routledge Press.
Geller is the recipient of the prestigious Rockwell Lifetime Achievement Award – view the YouTube award video.
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