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NEW Book! Beyond Powerful Radio: An Audio Communicator’s Guide to the Digital World, 3rd Edition

Valerie Geller’s NEW Communicator’s Guide to the Digital World,’Beyond Powerful Radio’ will help you become a more powerful storyteller and grow your audience — AVAILABLE NOW on Amazon.



Buy your copy here: Beyond Powerful Radio

Beyond Powerful Radio: An Audio Communicator’s Guide to the Digital World, 3rd Edition
by Valerie Geller
From Routledge Press



Read the book’s Foreword, written by Perry Michael Simon, columnist for Barrett Sports Media/Barrett News Media.

Check out Valerie’s Introduction.

Get the Quick Start Cards:
The Powerful Communicator Principles
Rules of Engagement
Topic Selection




Are you making a move from broadcasting to podcasting? There’s one BIG difference….

with our thanks to Creating Powerful Podcasts guest columnist, The Segue’s Brad Nolan.

The Biggest Hurdle

There is one hurdle I’ve seen over and over again in the transition back and forth between radio and podcasting. The mindset around audience sizes. On the radio, we turn on the microphone and there they are. Maybe you are battling their favorite song, or they are passively listening while in the drive through, but there they are. In podcasting, we hit publish and… CRICKETS! 

How To Be Amazing and Leave Them Wanting More

Three Simple Rules To Make Your Podcast Successful
  • Tell the Truth
  • Make it Matter
  • Never Be Boring
Questions to Help You Edit

Why should you listen to this?
Why would someone want to hear this?

The Best Podcasts:

Inform Entertain Inspire Persuade Connect

The best conversations come from listening. When doing an interview listen and make the interview more of a conversation.

How to Get Booked on Podcasts

From Host of Badass Digital Nomads Podcast, Kristin Wilson


I receive cold emails every day from people looking to book themselves or their clients on my podcast. But ultimately, less than 1% of those who inquire ever make it onto the show. Why so few?

My podcast may be small compared to someone like Joe Rogan or Tim Ferriss, but podcasting is more intimate than other forms of digital media. Downloads, demographics, and subscriber counts don’t matter as much as the quality of the content and the bond between the audience and the host.

My listeners trust me to deliver value to them each week, and I don’t want to let them down. I’d rather record solo episodes for life than waste their time (and mine) with a lousy guest.

7 Podcast Interview Tricks for Leveling Up Your Technique

From Don’t Panic Management’s Lee LeBreton.

There are all kinds of ways to be a great podcast host.

No, you don’t need to have the megawatt extroversion of a late-night TV personality.

You don’t need years of experience as a hard-boiled investigative journalist.

All you need is to be able to greet your guest and audience with the best, most authentic version of yourself.

Set yourself up for success using these simple strategies for creating engaging podcast interviews.

Landing a Guest Interview

Thanks to Guest Columnist Kelly Glover – The Talent Squad

Landing a couple of podcast interviews is a great start to a podcast guesting strategy but don’t stop there! Earned media is cumulative (and SO valuable). Here’s a super-fast Podcasting Pitching Plan in 5 steps to give you a process & keep you on track.

1. Decide on Your Goal. Add Metrics 

Start with the end in mind. What action do you want the audience to take as a result of hearing your podcast interview? Add metrics. Once your recordings start getting published you can measure, assess, recalibrate, rinse & repeat.

Bringing You Lessons from Top Podcasters

Gimlet podcasts from Spotify are heard by millions each month. Its slate of mostly narrative-style shows are known for their engaging content that keeps listeners coming back for more. Gimlet co-founder Alex Blumberg shares what he’s learned, gained from his years of working in audio. You too can produce podcast episodes that entertain, educate and connect with audiences on an emotional level.

Click here to access the lessons on Spotify. (free signup required)

Mastering the Art of Podcasting

At Podcast Movement 17 in Anaheim, Dot Cannon interviews Valerie on Becoming a More Powerful Podcaster.

“Podcasting isn’t easy,” says international broadcast consultant and author Valerie Geller.

But, she says, if you love doing it, that won’t stop you.    And if you’re producing a podcast, she can tell you exactly how to make it a magical experience for your listeners.

Click to Listen to the Entire Podcast.

How to Produce a Podcast

Thank you Simplecast for contributing this guest blog.

What goes into getting a job as a podcast producer? Being a podcast producer can be a very rewarding and creatively challenging role. Before you start applying to a bunch of producer jobs though, you first need to understand what it is they actually do. The role of a podcast producer is multifaceted and can vary depending on the person’s experience and the type of podcast their managing. To explain what we mean, we’ve outlined some of the responsibilities a podcast producer typically needs to take on for their job.

Production Management: Imagine everything that goes into making a podcast. Coming up with ideas, managing the production schedule, and strategizing how to promote the show can all fall under the podcast producer’s scope of work. The podcast producer is the person who oversees the process of developing the podcast and makes sure things are running smoothly.

Creating Powerful Podcasts

Anyone can talk, so hosting a podcast should be easy, right?
If you’ve tried it, you know it can be a harder than it looks.
Are you doing a scripted podcast? An interview type podcast, with one or more guests?
Perhaps you’re doing a podcast in hopes of expanding your brand or creating more business?
Or maybe you’re hosting an audio blog – expressing your thoughts and sharing your stories…
Whatever type of podcast you’re doing – the essence a powerful communicator is storytelling.
I work with broadcasters and podcasters throughout the world. Many have found the following Powerful Communicator Principles to be helpful.